How to wear

  • Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Take out one lens at a time and place on the tip of your index finger.
  • Check the lens is the right way round.
  • With the index finger of your other hand, pull up your upper eyelid.
  • Slowly and gently apply the lens over the coloured part of your eye.
  • Blink gently to ensure the lens is in the right place.
  • Repeat the process with your other eye.

How to remove

  • Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Look straight ahead and ensure the lens is still on the coloured part of your eye.
  • Using your opposite index finger, lift up your eyelid, as close to the lash line as possible.
  • With the middle finger of your other hand, pull your lower lid down.
  • Press on to the surface of the lens and slide it gently down to the white part of your eye.
  • Using the fleshy part of your thumb and index finger, gently but firmly pinch the lens and remove.
  • Clean your lens in a multi-purpose solution and place in your lens case.

Storage and cleaning

  • Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Remove your lens and place it in the palm of your hand.
  • Squeeze one or two drops of multi-purpose lens solution on to the lens.
  • Gently stroke the lens back and forth for 10-15 seconds then turn the lens and repeat.
  • Place the lens in your case before adding solution.

Top Tips

  • If possible, wash your hands with antibacterial soap and dry with a lint-free towel.
  • Start with the same lens every time as you’ll be less likely to switch lenses by mistake.
  • Never let your contact lenses or lens case come into contact with water.
  • Replace your lens case every three months.
  • Only use solution and drops recommended by your Optician.
  • Always use fresh solution and never top up old solution with new solution.
  • If your eyes are red or sore, take the day off wearing lenses and pop on your glasses instead.

How to wear

  • Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Take out one lens at a time and place on the tip of your index finger.
  • Check the lens is the right way round.
  • With the index finger of your other hand, pull up your upper eyelid.
  • Slowly and gently apply the lens over the coloured part of your eye.
  • Blink gently to ensure the lens is in the right place.
  • Repeat the process with your other eye.

How to remove

  • Wash and thoroughly dry your hands before handling your contact lenses.
  • Look straight ahead and ensure the lens is still on the coloured part of your eye.
  • Using your opposite index finger, lift up your eyelid, as close to the lash line as possible.
  • With the middle finger of your other hand, pull your lower lid down.
  • Press on to the surface of the lens and slide it gently down to the white part of your eye.
  • Using the fleshy part of your thumb and index finger, gently but firmly pinch the lens and remove.
  • Once you’ve removed your lens, simply throw it in the bin.

Top Tips

  • If possible, wash your hands with antibacterial soap and dry with a lint-free towel.
  • Start with the same lens every time as you’ll be less likely to switch lenses by mistake.
  • If your eyes are red or sore, take the day off wearing lenses and pop on your glasses instead.

Taking care of your vision begins with an Eye Test.

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Your Vision Express Optometrist will be able to advise you on which lenses are right for your specific needs.

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